This offer is specific to my St. Pete, FL and Tampa, FL girlies! This is designed for the woman who wants to go deeeep into healing her mind, body, and soul through personalized, in-person coaching.

You'll walk away with actionable steps to make long-lasting change. We can meet at the beach, a coffee shop, or my home office, the world is our oyster!

You are meant for so much more.

So much more than just going through your days on autopilot feeling exhausted and burnt out. So much more than watching everyone else living your dream life. So much more than following the path that you 'should' follow but isn't lighting up your soul.

Imagine waking up every day with a renewed sense of purpose. Feeling alive and ready to tackle your to-do list with gratitude and excitement instead of dread. Accepting each challenge you face, knowing that it's pushing you towards the version of you that you crave to become.

You are meant to live a life that fulfills you. One where you are in charge of where your energy goes. One where you decide how you spend your days. One that makes you feel abundant in every single moment.

I've been in your shoes.

You are not alone in feeling like you want more out of life.

That's exactly how I felt three and a half years ago when I lost my first job out of college, broke up with my boyfriend of five years, and moved back in with my parents in my hometown.

I was miserably depressed, broke, and drinking every single day. I was using whatever I could to numb out what was happening in my life because I was too afraid to face the facts.

I knew that something needed to change, and quickly, before things kept getting worse. At this point, I moved to Hawaii and stumbled upon some spiritual teachers online. Immediately, I knew that I found what I had been missing.

Since then I've cut back my drinking to almost zero, I'm making six figures, I live in my dream location in a house that I own, and I've found ways to integrate my love for fitness, food, and spirituality into one holistic harmony.

And now I'm helping people like you create the life of their dreams.

You are not alone.

One thing I realized at the start of my journey was that I needed help. I could only go so far and unlock so much on my own.

Maybe you're feeling the same way now. You've downloaded all of the freebies, joined the masterclasses, and saved an infinite amount of tips and tricks on Instagram and Tiktok.

But how does it all come together? How do you take all of the pieces you've compiled and put them to work?

That's where coaching comes in. As soon as I started working with coaches I unlocked more than I could have ever imagined spiritually, mentally, in business, and in ways that I couldn't even imagine.

Coaching helps you to break down the roadblocks that leave you feeling like "wtf?!" so that you're able to confidently take action and change your life.

Bring your vision board to life.

Imagine this: The photos you have hanging on your wall or set as your background are actively coming to life. You're living in your dream home, making more money than you can imagine, and feeling healthier than you've ever felt. You wake up each day knowing that something amazing is coming your way. You feel light and free as you move through your day because you, my friend, are the one in control.

Working with a coach allows you to break through limiting beliefs that are holding you back, create an actionable plan, and take steps every single day toward living the life you fantasize about. We do this by creating new habits and slowly building them into your daily routine to create a seamless transition into your ideal life.

As a holistic health coach, I work alongside your main health team or support you on your solo wellness journey. We'll take everything you're learning, all of your biggest goals and dreams, and put them into action.

Look and feel your best every. single. day.

Book your free alignment call so that we can talk about all of your hopes, dreams, and goals. I want to hear all about the lean body you want to achieve, the healthy habits you want to implement - like cooking nourishing meals or cutting back on drinking, and the happiness you want to feel upon waking up each day by living your dreams.

We'll create an attainable plan and meet every week for 45 minutes to talk through your progress. We'll discuss what is working, what you need some help with, and measure the progress being made.

Together, we'll go step by step toward building everything you thought was only in your wildest dreams.

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